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Best of 2023: Albums

Now we look at how it all fits together as a whole. Separating the big pictures from the one-offs, these are the best albums of the year.


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Best of 2023: Songs

Short and sweet, nothing but the best. For the repeat plays and the mood enhancers, these are the top tracks of the year.


Best of 2022: Albums

The sums that came out greater — the albums. Assembled as to create the illusion of order, these are the projects whose impression was deeper than the rest.


Best of 2022: Songs

The real meat on the bone — the tracks. Barely a slice of the bounty of flavors that this year served us, but here’s what stuck around long enough to make the list.


Best of 2021: Albums

A list of long plays that replaced all the live shows. Crudely arranged and poorly explained, these are the best albums of the year.


Best of 2021: Songs

A sample platter of sounds from the year we got used to everything. Fit into twenty tracks out of respect for your time, these are the best songs of the year.


Best of 2020: EPs

Let’s not forget about the middle child: too big for a track, too narrow for an album. An EP feels like a window into an epiphany. Bold, efficient and always exciting, these are the best (unranked) EPs of the year.


Best of 2020: Albums

For all the misery of 2020, there was plenty to listen to in these unprecedented times. Some music was made for coping, some for escaping — so much of it essential. In an order I will soon find unacceptable, these are the best albums of the year.


Best of 2020: Songs

A steady stream of tracks was my lifeline in 2020. Music was the one new thing that felt in conversation with the present, perhaps more than ever. Reduced down from an excess of worthy favorites, these are the best songs of the year.